Welcome to the Wisconsin Works (W-2) program’s website!

The Milwaukee W-2 program in Milwaukee County Region 2 is operated by Maximus. The W-2 program provides members with a number of benefits, including:

  • Case management and coaching to guide you on your path and help you obtain permanent, stable employment

  • Services that can help you connect with employers and be competitive in your job search

  • Ways to gain the skills, education and training, and work experience you need to get a job or advance your career

What is the Wisconsin Works (W-2) Program?

Wisconsin's residents are its most valuable resource. Some individuals find themselves unemployed due to limited education, limited job skills, or other barriers to employment, such as lack of child care or transportation. The Wisconsin Works program can help. W-2 provides training, support services, and financial incentives to help low-income parents find permanent employment. The program also offers advancement skills training that can lead to career advancement.

The goal of the program is to prepare individuals to secure work that allows them to support themselves and their families with pride while also promoting economic growth in their communities. W-2 is one of several work-based programs designed to ensure that everyone in Wisconsin shares in our economic opportunities. The program accomplishes this goal by providing comprehensive services, including job readiness motivation, job retention, and advancement skills training. W-2 employment and training services are available to all eligible Wisconsin residents.


We offer many services and supports to help you succeed, including:

Educational / vocational training

  • Certified training programs

  • Job skills training classes

  • GED/HSED classes

  • TABE test

Job search

  • Career assessment and counseling

  • Job search with our online platform, MPloy™

  • Local job leads

  • Job fairs

  • Resume development

Support and job retention service

  • Public transportation

  • Referrals for childcare services

  • Vouchers for work-related attire

  • Job access loans

  • Energy assistance

  • Refugee services


To learn more or to apply for the Wisconsin Works (W-2) Program

Wisconsin Department of Children and Families W-2

How to Apply for W-2